A non-profit organization, IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology.
The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) was founded in 1954 as a scientific, engineering and professional organization dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of systems and control in engineering.
The 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2014) will take place in Antibes, France, on 2014.
MSC 2014 includes two international conferences sponsored and promoted by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
* the IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), and,
* the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC).
All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by EI.
Technical sponsor:
IEEE Control Systems Society
National sponsors:
GDR MACS, French research group for Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems
Research Center for Automatic Control (CRAN)
UMR 7039, Université de Lorraine - CNRS
- The IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest. High school students, undergraduate and graduate students of all majors, as well as researchers from all over the world are eligible for participation.
- 2013 IEEE Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award will be officially presented during the MSC 2014.
Student Travel Support Program:
The Student Travel Support of MSC 2014 is meant to enable promising students to attend the conference, present their papers and become more integrated into their scientific community. please note that DEADLINE HAS BEEN MOVED. Detailed information is given at "STUDENTS ACTIVITIES" section.
Past conferences:
2009 MSC @ Sankt Petersburg, Russia